
Improve Your Study Concentration with Effective Vastu Tips

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Improve Your Study Concentration with Effective Vastu Tips

Improve Your Study Concentration with Effective Vastu Tips

Improve Your Study Concentration with Effective Vastu Tips with Astrologer Ashish Somani

Organizing your study area to perfection can greatly improve your focus and academic output. The Vastu Shastra offers practical tips on how to set up a room that works well for learning. Astro Vastu Consultant Ashish Somani believes that these Vastu tips can help students accomplish their educational goals.

Despite offering practical solutions for both major and minor issues, Vastu Shastra remains underappreciated and often overlooked by the public. Implementing some Vastu tips can greatly improve your learning environment and general success.

In this blog, we’ll examine useful Vastu tips that can transform your study area into a heaven that encourages concentration. Find out how making small changes to your environment can improve your capacity to take in and remember information, decrease external distractions, and promote mental clarity.

Checkout Some Effective Vastu Tips

1. Examine the Position of Your Study Table

The Vastu Shastra emphasizes direction for focus and health. Place your study table facing northeast or east. Keep the wall in front partially empty, adding a motivational painting or images of Goddess Saraswati and Lord Ganesha. Ensure there’s a door or window in front for natural light and fresh air.

2. Calming colors

Various colors correlate to various moods, which affect a person’s productivity. Colors lift children’s spirits and help students retain their memories. The walls of the room should be painted in soothing colors like white, yellow, or green. Dark colors promote distraction and impatience.

3. Get your study area organized

A messy study area can be very distracting. Keep your study table clear of anything that isn’t needed for studying. Organize all your study materials, like books and pens. Unnecessary stuff can reduce your focus by bringing in negative energy. To stay focused, keep your study area tidy, and make sure you are neat too. Before studying, take a shower or wash your face and change into clean clothes.

4. Ensure a lively flow of energy

The Earth, water, air, fire, and space are the five components of life, and they all contribute to the room’s favorable and reviving energy flow. The decor for a wall or table can represent each of these five elements. 

To maintain faith and calm to focus, an air purifier, for example, can be compared to an air element, a bottle, or bowl filled with water, a tiny plant, or anything releasing smell, such as a vase of genuine flowers, etc., on the table or nearby.

5. Keep the bathroom separate from the study area

Using the restroom in your study area should be the last thing you do. The negative vibes arising from the bathroom affect the students. Keep the bathroom closed if you have no other choice.

6. Light in the space

Students should be able to see well in this room. Since natural light is thought to be the best, windows and doors are positioned to let light in. In the evening, sufficient light is also necessary to prevent eye strain and to keep darkness—a source of negativity—at a distance. An area with good lighting promotes focus and attentiveness.

7. The gap between table and wall

In accordance with Vastu Shastra, maintain some space between the table and the wall. This area encourages the free flow and simple implementation of creative ideas.


Your concentration and academic performance can be greatly improved by applying Vastu Shastra tips to your study space. You can create an environment that is ideal for learning by arranging your study table most advantageously, selecting soothing colors, and keeping your space free of unnecessary stuff.

To promote an energetic flow, make use of natural light, stimulating décor, and appropriate organization. With these slight adjustments, under the guidance of an Astro Vastu Consultant, you can turn your study space into a retreat where concentration rises and learning comes naturally. 



Q.1 How do you concentrate on your studies, according to Vastu?

The study table should face east or northeast to improve concentration. The area needs to be neat and well-lit, preferably with daylight. 

Q.2 What should I keep on a study table, according to Vastu?

Set a lamp up on your study surface. To promote Vastu positivity, you should always have a brightly lit lamp on your study table. 

It’s also important to note that the light should be oriented so that it faces southeast on the table.

Q.3 How do you make your room positive for study?

 Even a small amount of reflected natural light can add warmth and life to a room, which is essential for creating a productive study space. If you study, think about setting up a small table or desk near a window to let in some natural light.

Q.4 Which color is best for a study room, according to Vastu?

 Study spaces with light colors reflect most of the light that hits the walls. White is the best color for a study room, according to Vastu. The ideal Vastu colors for a study area include Alice blue, blue baby, blue paper, bubbles, fresh air, fresh water, frozen mint, and other light colors.

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