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Vastu Tips for New Home From Best Astro Vastu Consultant

Vastu Tips for New Home From Best Astro Vastu Consultant

Considering purchasing a new house? The guidance of an Astro Vastu Consultant can be priceless. Being a homeowner is a unique opportunity for most people in India. Purchasing a home is a significant life decision that requires careful consideration of not only financial but also emotional, spiritual, and practical aspects.
In accordance with Vastu Shastra, an age-old Indian science, the way a house interacts with the natural forces surrounding it has a big influence on people’s health and prosperity.
Looking to implement Vastu principles in the home-buying process? An Astro Vastu Consultant can provide invaluable insights. A happy and wealthy life can be achieved with the help of good vastu.

Vastu Tips for New Home

Consequently, it would help if you kept in mind a few Vastu principles when moving to your new home.

  • 1. Planting large trees in the southwest corner of a property stabilizes finances, according to Vastu for money. It also reduces the chances of economic and household disasters. These plantations should never be located in a northeastern direction, as this hinders money flow.
  • 2. Place the storage room facing the west or northwest of the house.
  • 3. Any tall buildings, temples, or other structures should not be located in the northeast direction of the house. It results in a loss of wealth, according to Vastu. If such structures are there, make sure they don’t cast too much shadows on your new home or property.
  • 4. Leaking taps and valves need to be repaired or replaced since they waste money and cause waste.
  • 5. Ensure that there are never any activities taking place in the center of the home. There should always be a building or heavy lifting in this area.
  • 6. It is best to get rid of outdated clothes, broken furniture, malfunctioning devices, and other trash from the house right away, especially before a big celebration. These things can intensify negative energy, leading to mental health challenges, roadblocks, and decreased productivity in work-related activities.
  • 7. Large-scale housewarming celebrations should be avoided since they could attract negative energy that could worsen people’s physical and mental health.
  • 8. Give your new house’s main entry a unique look to create a welcoming atmosphere for prosperity and wealth. Additionally, personalize your home’s name and license plate. Make sure this space is beautifully coloured and well-lit.
  • 9. Before you enter, make sure to wash the house completely with salt water to get rid of any lingering negative energy. An alternative option for cleaning is to use white vinegar, lime juice, and salt.
  • 10. Keep the northeast section of the house free from any Vastu doshas. Lord Kuber and Goddess Laxmi are believed to live in this area. A Vastu dosha of any kind in this domain may cause income to decline.


Speak with a reliable Astro Vastu Consultant if you’re looking for Vastu advice for your new home. You can make a smart decision that lays the groundwork for a peaceful and prosperous future in your new home with the knowledge and assistance of the best Astro Vastu Consultant, Ashish Somani.
A purposeful arrangement of the location, rooms, natural light, surroundings, and decor can introduce your house to positive energies that support your family’s prosperity and well-being.


Q.1 How to check Vastu dosh in the house?

Ans. To find any Vastu doshas (defects), speak with a Vastu specialist who can examine the house’s design, orientation, and energy flows.

Q.2 Which house entrance is good for Vastu?

Ans. According to Vastu Shastra, entrances that face north or east are lucky because they let good energy into the house.

Q.3 How to remove negativity from your home as per Vastu?

Ans. Play soothing music, keep the place tidy and free of garbage, burn camphor or sage (smudging), and make sure there is adequate ventilation to drive out negativity.

Q.4 How to correct the Vastu of the house?

Ans. Place furniture differently, use colors that are conducive to Vastu, add mirrors to reflect bad energy, arrange Vastu pyramids, and apply Vastu treatments such as strategically placing plants, crystals, or salt.


Vaastu Effect of Painting opposite to Main door

Vaastu Effect of Painting opposite to Main door with Vastu Consultant in Ahmedabad

Today we are going to discuss impact of picture, Painting, Sculpture, or Effect of Painting opposite to entry door.

Opposite to entry gate the place is 7th house of our chart, which has a direct relation with spouse, relationship, and Partnership. This also defines how we will interact with outer world.

below is the the commonly used Paintings/Idol in house and their impact.

Sheenah ji Idol or Lord Krishna Idol.

Lord Krishna is the avatar of moon on the earth, so it gives effect similar to moon.

If the moon is placed in 1st or 7th house this is very good, however if the moon is not so placed it will give travelling and change in Relationship, If the image is of Radha Krishna, it is very good.

Person will be very soft spoken to outer world and will offer food, water, or emotional help to strangers.

Lord Rama Idol or Picture of Sun

Lord Rama is the avatar of Sun on the earth, so it gives effect similar to sun.

If the sun is placed in 7th house or 1st house this is good, other than that it will give break in marriage and partnership, It shows frequent quarrel between couple/partner due to EGO.

Image of Lord Ram &Sita is very good.

Person will be harsh and straight forward in his speech however he will be utmost honest and truthful.

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Lord Buddha Idol or Painting related to mercury such as trees, three female, Musical Instrument etc.

Lord Buddha is the avatar of Mercury (Budh), so it gives effect similar to Mercury.

If the Mercury is Placed in 7th house of 1st House this is good, however if the mercury is not so placed it will give multiple relation, Spouse of the person will be good in communication and siblings will frequently visit his home.

Person will be diplomatic and good in his speech and will be very socialize.

Lord Shiva Idol or Painting

Lord Shiva is the Guru of Lord Shani, and it carries the energy of Moon also however specifically he is not related to any planet.

Placing Lord shiva idol will give you more of spiritual nature and person will be not much interested in worldly things, as the energy grows, he will attain vairagya.

Lord Ganesh Idol/Painting.

Placing lord Ganesh is good as it will bring harmony in the house, however care should be taken the picture is of full Ganesh other wise it will give effect of ketu and will break the marriage or partnership.

Also, should not place multiple Ganesh in the house, this will disturb the energy of home.

Idol or Picture of DEVI.

This is very good as it represents Venus in its purest form. Even if Venus is badly placed in the chart, it will nullify the negative effect.

Which Idol of Devi is to be used need to see from 7th house of Chart and also the conjunction of Venus, for example Venus and mercury Conjunction Maa Durga, Venus Rahu Conjunction Maa Kali and so on.

Horse image.

Horse image is not good for this place as it will increase the energy and person will not stay in the house for long time.

Flowers Painting

It is very good and will increase the energy of Venus, good for relationship.


Mirror should not be used opposite to entry gate, however above the gate paakua mirror can be placed.

I hope the above will be helpful.

you may consult Vastu Consultant in Gujarat for more detail for Appointment Booking please reach us at https://ashishsomani.com/appointment/

Vaastu Remedies for Northwest Corner Vaastu Defects

Transform Your Life: Remedies for Northwest Corner Vaastu Defects with Best Vaastu consultant

Northwest corner or Vayu Corner is governed by the Planet Moon and the element for it is Vayu Or Air. In Kundali Partial 5th house and 6th house is to be seen as northwest corner.

This is a very important corner as it denotes Kids, Fame, Disease, Loan, enemies, mental disease, food, digestive system, day to day karma, condition of bahan bua and beti, Nanihal, Mama, communication etc. any damage in the sector will impact the life of not only the native but also for other relatives as mentioned above.

Here we will see some effect of northwest sector in our day-to-day life.

Main Door in Northwest.

If the main door is in northwest, then it will increase the Vayu in the house and increase the power of moon, effect will as below

Person needs to very careful while talking as due to increased Vayu he may speak some word which will negatively affect him.

Chances to Continuous disease will be there.

Person will spend lesser time at home, or he will have lot of guests.

Female native of the premises will be high in emotion due to incremental Moon power.

Food will be very prominent in the house, as person staying in the house will be more focused on food.

If the moon is bad in chart, premises will have water leakage.

You Can also read Remedy for Saturn Moon Vish yoga Conjuction

Chance of Extra martial relationship.

Kids of the house will see emotional ups and down.


Offering water to the person coming to home, be it delivery boy or any person will be good.

Offering food items to house help or to the person working for you will be helpful.

Offering emotional support to the house help or person working for will be helpful.

Installing silver wire will improve the energy of Moon.

Placing Hanuman ji Idol at Main Gate.

Cut in Northwest

Problem in conceiving.

Adverse effect in the studies of the kid.

Pret Badha Yoga (Person will be suffering from mental disease)

Problem in Food.


Not able to find diagnosis/cure of disease.

Problem at Nanihal or at Bua Place.


Place Lord Hanuman Idol at Northwest corner.

Install Vayu Yatra, Pyramid in the sector.

White color wall will increase the energy of Moon in northwest sector.

Having Ganga Water in the house and regularly using it.

Try to have northwest corner more airy.

Other Points

Kitchen in northwest sector is not that bad after southeast this is the place for having kitchen, Kitchen in this place will invite more guest in the house.

Washroom in Northwest is not good it will have Rahu Moon or Rahu Saturn impact, Person will see frequent changes in profession/job and will suffer for mental illness.

Bathroom in Northwest is not bad; however, care should be taken for water leakage in the area.

Shoe Rack in the area will create problem in profession and in married life.

Study Room in the area is good for person studying for aeronautics, Food, Wireless Transmission, Import Export, airhostess, pilot etc.

Under Water Tank in the northwest sector is not good as it will create depression in the area, we can have small fountain in the area to strengthen the moon.

Bedroom in the area is not that bad, however if the moon is bad in the kundali then this will enhance the bad effect and the person will suffer more.

Drawing Room/Guest Room are good in this sector.

Storeroom is good as due to Vayu, things will replaced fast.

I hope that this will Help you in correcting the Vaastu of your house, also if you see any kind of mental depression in female of the house then first check this sector as this has a direct link to the mental tensions and due to moon it will more impact the female native of the house.

If you want to Book a Personal consultation with Astrologer Ashish somani you can connect with us on https://ashishsomani.com/contact-us/

Saturn Transit direct in Aquarius from 15th November 2024 to 29th March 2025.

Saturn Transit direct in Aquarius from 15th November 2024 to 29th March 2025. with Jyotish in Gujarat

Saturn Transit in Aquarius ,which is the wish fulfillment house in the Kal Purusha Kundali, again this is the house of Saturn, so this makes transit very special.

Aquarius is also the sign of communication, Networking, Gains, elder siblings, Education of Spouse, Recognition of Spouse, Father’s younger brother, Fathers Communication, Father hands etc.

In General Saturn is going to give good result as it is transiting in its own house and that too a wish fulfillment house, however care needs to be taken for Aspects/conjunction of enemy planet of Saturn in Aquarius sign.

Ascendant wise general prediction are as follows.

Aries Ascendant (Mesh Lagna)

· Good Transit as Saturn is transiting in 11th house of Gain.

· For Job good period to get reward or for better opportunity.

· Good for education of self and children.

· Specially will support for studies related to science for self and kids.

· If already in love testing time, if looking for one then good time for getting stable lover.

· Time for indulging in self care activities such as Gym, Yoga, Walking etc.

· Some problem in communication, chance of misunderstanding with siblings and neighbor.

· Construction activity at neighbors and at siblings’ place.

· Meeting with some old friends or reunion with siblings.

· Chances of Kid speaking lie.

· Serving to spouse or else dispute will occur.

· If some legal dispute with spouse is going on then good time that cases will settle.

· If Marriage is pending due to Saturn 7th house of aspect of Saturn on 7th house, then good time to get the life partner.

· Spouse need to work hard for this period.

Taurus Ascendant (Vrishabh Lagna)

· Good time for getting new job or new career.

· If looking to buy property or vehicle, then very good time.

· Saturn will bring some old property or used vehicle.

· Chances of taking loan is higher and advisable too.

· In communication need to take care as it will impose compulsion to speak lie to family.

· If some dispute in ancestor property is going on than chances of Favorable result.

· Need to Donate at hospital or need people or else will suffer from disease.

· Buying of property by Kids.

· Some disease in Spouse extended family.

· Visit of jyotirlinga.

· Kids moving to other city due to studies.

· Transformative event in Kids life.

· Problem in self-studies.

Gemini Ascendant (Mithun Lagna)

· Good for Long distance travelling.

· Those who are looking forward for going abroad good time.

· Visit to Shiv Jyotirlinga will give very good effect.

· Spouse communication and Hands needs to be taken care of.

· Benefit from Spouse siblings.

· Good for self and kids’ education specially if trying for engineering field.

· Good for self-care activities like yoga, Gym, meditation etc.

· be careful in Love affair, chances of separation.

· Meeting new partner if yet not engaged.

Cancer Ascendant (Karka Lagna)

· Need to be careful in this period.

· Sudden transformative events in life.

· Loss of near ones.

· Visit to Omkareshwar shivlinga will give some relief and mitigate the negative impact.

· Sudden change in living place.

· If looking for some inheritance this period will give you the same.

· Reconstruction of old property.

· Selling off some old property.

· Visit to hospital.

· Some addition in family.

Leo Ascendant (Simha Lagna)

· Good period for getting life partner.

· Good time for entering new partnerships/ventures.

· Gains thru siblings/friends.

· Sudden change in spouse nature and will be more caring for you.

· Gains from the investment made in the spouse name.

· Taking Loan for New business/Venture.

You Can also read Saturn Transit Audio

Virgo Ascendant (Kanya Lagna)

· If unemployed chance of getting new job.

· Start of new venture.

· Taking new Loan.

· Frequent Visit to hospital.

· If unmarried person in family chance of them getting married in this period.

· Chances of false blame.

Libra Ascendant (Tula Lagna)

· Gain from lover.

· Chance of getting lover.

· Good for Self-education.

· Good for promotion.

· Will be benefited from super boss (Boss ka Boss).

· Gains to Kids.

· Short duration religious travel.

· Going to reside in new house for which the construction was started before.

· Overall, a very good period.

Scorpio Ascendant (Vrischika Lagna)

· Gain from sibling/Friends.

· Gain from short term travel.

· Transformative event at In laws place.

· New property or Vehicle purchase.

· Long distance travelling.

· Chances of new Venture/Business.

Sagittarius Ascendant (Dhanu Lagna)

· Good for Marriage and New Partnerships.

· Gain from Partner.

· Gains from Sibling/Friends.

· Short travelling.

· Person associated with communication or networking business will be greatly benefited.

· Good for higher education of self.

Capricorn Ascendant (Makar Lagna)

· New Addition in Family

· Good for self-care Like meditation, Yoga etc.

· Gain from family assets.

· Chances of new job near to hometown.

· Starting of new business with the help of family.

· Visit to hospital.

Aquarius Ascendant (Kumbha Lagna)

· Lagna Lord in the Lagna is very good.

· Good for communication networking, these people will help another people.

· Good for marriage if not married.

· Person will be more caring towards spouse or partner.

· If some bad planet is placed in 7th house, then partner will take undue advantage.

· Multiple affairs in this period.

· Good for Education.

· Long distance travelling.

· Overall, a Good period.

Pisces Ascendant (Meena Lagna)

· Good for person who are looking to settle abroad.

· Travelling to isolated places or hospital.

· Buying/selling of house base on the condition of mercury.

· Trouble to spouse.

· Need to take care of self health.

The above is general predication actual event may vary based on individual chart.

For more detail you may connect with Astrologer Ashish Somani

Vaastu Importance of East Direction and its remedies

Vaastu Importance of East Direction and its remedies with Vastu Consultant in Ahmedabad

In Vaastu Shastra, the East direction holds profound significance as it is associated with Indra, the king of all devas, and Surya, the king of all planets. This direction symbolizes vitality, growth, and prosperity in various aspects of life according to Vedic beliefs. Understanding its impact and addressing any defects through remedies is crucial for maintaining harmony and positive energy flow in a living or working space.

Importance of East Direction in Vaastu

The East direction governs several crucial aspects of life:

  1. Kids and Growth of Kids: It influences the well-being and development of children.

  2. Progress in Life: Success, growth, and advancement in personal and professional endeavors are influenced by the energy of the East.

  3. Self-Health: Physical and mental well-being of the inhabitants.

  4. Father: The East direction also impacts the health and influence of the father figure in the household.

  5. Reputation in Society: It plays a role in how one is perceived and respected in society.

  6. Promotions: Career advancements and recognition in one’s professional life.

  7. Support from King or Government: Favorable outcomes in legal matters, government-related issues, and administrative support.

  8. Soul Upliftment: Spiritual growth and higher consciousness.

  9. Supreme Knowledge: It is associated with acquiring wisdom and knowledge.

Defects in the East Direction

Identifying and rectifying defects in the East direction is crucial to mitigate negative impacts on life:

  1. Staircase in East: This combination of Rahu and Sun can bring challenges, especially affecting children’s well-being and attracting unfavorable attention from government authorities.

  2. Toilets in East: A placement associated with Rahu and Sun can lead to negative energies affecting health and prosperity.

  3. East Level Higher than Rest of Premises: Imbalances caused by this can adversely affect children’s lives and the professional success of the occupants.

  4. Closed Store Room in East: This combination also involving Rahu and Sun can disrupt positive energy flow and cause obstacles in various aspects of life.

  5. Cut in East Direction: When Ketu and Sun are involved, it can lead to issues affecting reputation and the health of the father figure in the family.

  6. Painting of Deceased in East Wall: Such representations can attract negative energies and hinder progress in life.

Remedies for East Direction

To counteract these defects and enhance positive energies:

  1. Use of Sun Mantra, Idol, or Painting: Installing symbols or representations of the Sun can balance energies associated with the East. Reciting the Aditya Hridaya Stotra and performing homa (yagya) for Lord Sun can also be beneficial, especially if Sun is unfavorably placed in the birth chart (kundali).

  2. Avoidance of Toilets in East: If a toilet exists, it should be converted into a bathroom to reduce negative impacts on health and prosperity.

  3. Rising Sun Painting: Placing a painting depicting the rising Sun in the East can bring positivity and vitality.

  4. Clock Placement: Installing a clock in the East direction can enhance the flow of positive energy and aid in timely achievements.

  5. Yellow Light for Storeroom: If a storeroom is located in the East, using yellow light can help mitigate negative influences.


Incorporating these remedies based on Vaastu principles for the East direction can significantly improve various aspects of life, including health, career, family harmony, and societal standing. By aligning living or working spaces according to these guidelines, individuals can harness positive energies associated with Indra and Surya, promoting overall well-being and prosperity. Regular assessment and correction of any Vaastu defects ensure a harmonious and thriving environment conducive to personal and professional success.

For a Personal Vastu Consultancy you may connect with Astrologer Ashish Somani
You can also Book an Appointment at https://ashishsomani.com/appointment/



Best Astrologer in Ahmedabad can Help In Growth & Success In Business

Best Astrologer in Ahmedabad can Help In Growth & Success In Business

Astrology is an ancient science that has been practiced for centuries to predict the future and understand human behavior. In recent years, it has gained popularity in the business world as entrepreneurs seek guidance from astrologers to achieve success and growth. The best astrologer in Ahmedabad can provide valuable insights into your business’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats based on planetary positions at the time of your birth or incorporation. Here, we will explore how consulting an astrologer can help you overcome challenges and pave the way for a prosperous business journey. So let’s dive right in!

How can Best Astrologer in Ahmedabad help in business growth?

Astrology is a powerful tool that can help businesses achieve success and growth. An experienced astrologer can analyze the birth chart of business owners or entrepreneurs to identify their strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for growth. By interpreting the positions of planets and stars at the time of their birth, an astrologer can provide insight into specific aspects related to their business. For instance, an astrologer might be able to determine which type of industry would suit them best based on their personality traits and natural talents. They may also advise on favorable times for launching new products or services or signing important contracts. In addition to giving advice on timing and decision-making, an astrologer can also provide guidance on how to navigate challenges in the workplace. For example, if there are conflicts between employees or partners within a business venture, an astrologer may suggest remedies such as specific gemstones or mantras that could improve communication and harmony among team members. Ultimately, consulting with an experienced astrologer can give businesses a competitive edge by providing unique insights into areas where they may have otherwise overlooked potential opportunities for growth.

What are the benefits of consulting an astrologer for business?

Consulting an astrologer for business can have numerous benefits. Firstly, astrology helps in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of an individual based on their planetary positions. This information can be used to make strategic decisions and capitalize on strengths while working on weaknesses. Secondly, an astrologer can provide insights into favorable periods for starting new ventures or expanding existing ones. They can also suggest remedies to overcome obstacles and challenges that may arise during these phases. Furthermore, astrology helps in understanding market trends and customer behavior by analyzing the position of planets at a particular time. This knowledge is essential in making informed decisions about marketing strategies and product launches. In addition, consulting an astrologer can enhance interpersonal relationships within a business by providing guidance on team-building activities based on each member’s zodiac sign characteristics. Consulting with a trusted astrologer who possesses expertise in business matters can lead to more success as it enables individuals to make well-informed decisions with greater confidence.

You Can also read Is Ketu Mahadasha A Myth Or A Reality?

How to choose the best astrologer in Ahmedabad?

Choosing the best astrologer in Ahmedabad can be a daunting task, especially if you are new to astrology. Here are some tips that will help you make an informed decision: 1. Look for experience: It is always better to choose an astrologer who has several years of experience and expertise in the field. Check their website or social media profiles to know more about their work. 2. Check client testimonials: Reading reviews and feedback from previous clients can give you a good idea of how effective the astrologer’s services are. 3. Verify their credentials: Make sure that the astrologer has relevant qualifications and certifications in astrology or related fields. 4. Ask about consultation fees: Before booking a session, ensure that you know the consultation fees charged by the astrologer and whether they offer any packages or discounts. 5. Communication skills matter: The ability of an astrologer to communicate effectively with clients is crucial for building trust and rapport during consultations. By keeping these factors in mind, you can find a reliable and trustworthy astrologer who can help guide your business towards growth and success through astrology-based insights and solutions.


Astrology can be a powerful tool for business growth and success. By consulting with the best astrologer in Ahmedabad, you can gain valuable insights into your strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. This information can help you make better decisions about everything from hiring employees to launching new products. Remember that choosing the right astrologer is crucial. Look for someone with experience working with businesses like yours and who has a proven track record of success. With the help of astrology, you can unlock your full potential as an entrepreneur and achieve greater levels of growth than ever before. So why not take the first step today? Consult with an expert astrologer in Ahmedabad and start realizing your dreams!

Ketu Mahadasha a myth or a reality?

Ketu Mahadasha a myth or a reality By Astrologer in Ahmedabad

It is possible that many individuals reading this may currently be experiencing the influence of Ketu, either directly or indirectly. When I refer to direct influence, I mean that they might be going through the Dasha or Antar Dasha of Ketu. Indirect influence refers to the scenario where Ketu in transit is connecting with their Lagnesh (ascendant ruler) or Karmesh (significator of actions).

The usage of both “myth” and “reality” to describe Ketu Mahadasha arises from different perspectives. If you have had the fortunate experience of Ketu Mahadasha in the past, you may be able to relate to these terms. If you have an upcoming Ketu Mahadasha or are currently undergoing it, understanding its significance sooner rather than later can be beneficial. Allow me to elaborate. Ketu, the planet known for its fearlessness, is depicted without a head and equipped with weapons in both hands, ready to engage in battle without concern for consequences.

Ketu, despite its inability to see, possesses the ability to sense and perceive. Like a blind snake, it acts with a similar instinctual nature also it work as Kundalini energy which protects and defends, Ketu serves as a formidable warrior, equipped with all senses intact. Its purpose is to facilitate the connection between your individual soul and the supreme soul. Under the influence of Ketu, one may experience battles, anger, detachment, losses, and sorrow, all with the ultimate aim of guiding you towards a deeper spiritual union.

During Ketu Mahadasha, you may witness the manifestation of various experiences and phenomena related to the aspects we discussed earlier. However, amidst this journey, you may also come to a profound realization that these experiences are ultimately illusory or myth-like in nature. Instead, you may find yourself aligning more deeply with the universal energy, connecting with it on a soul level.

This realization can lead to a profound understanding that the world we perceive is transitory and impermanent, while the ultimate truth lies in the eternal essence of the soul. This aligns with the concept of “Brahma Satya, Jagat Mithya,” which denotes that the supreme reality is the eternal essence (Brahman), while the material world is fleeting and illusory (Jagat Mithya). Ketu is indeed associated with abundance, and it has a tendency to deliver its effects in sudden and plentiful ways. Just as you begin to grasp or recognize a particular occurrence, another event swiftly follows, and this cycle continues.

These events can encompass both positive and negative experiences. If your astrological chart is exceptionally strong, Ketu Mahadasha may even bestow upon you Rajyoga, a combination of planetary influences signifying great power and authority. However, even in the presence of Rajyoga, Ketu’s influence will instill a sense of complete detachment. You will essentially act as an instrument or agent for Ketu to accomplish the tasks it wishes to fulfill through you.

In the scenario where Ketu is associated with the Lagnesh (ascendant lord) and Leo sign (Simha Rashi), it can bring status equivalent to that of a ruler or king. However, the person will fearlessly act as an agent of Ketu, carrying out its intentions while running the government or holding a position of authority.

If Ketu is positioned in the 2nd house or associated with the 2nd lord, it indicates that the person needs to embrace the perspective of considering the universe as their family. Failing to do so can result in problems within the family. Nevertheless, Ketu in such a placement also has the potential to bestow immense wealth. However, the person should utilize this wealth for the purpose assigned by Ketu or in alignment with its intentions.

In summary, Ketu’s influence in these scenarios can bring high status, fearlessness in carrying out Ketu’s mission, and the need to expand one’s perspective beyond personal boundaries. Wealth may be attained, but its utilization should align with the purpose designated by Ketu. In summary, Ketu represents surrendering to the supreme soul and allowing it to manifest through your body. It involves accepting the manifestations that occur and comprehending the interplay between myth and reality. By embracing these concepts, one can navigate the influence of Ketu with a deeper understanding and spiritual perspective. Here is a verse from Chapter 7 of the Bhagavad Gita which depicts they way of navigating the Ketu Mahadasha. “mattah parataram nanyat kinchid asti dhananjaya mayi sarvam idam protam sutre mani-gana iva” (Bhagavad Gita 7.7) Translation: “O Arjuna, there is nothing superior to Me. Everything rests upon Me, like pearls on a string.” In this verse, Lord Krishna conveys that there is nothing beyond Him, and everything in existence is dependent upon Him. He compares the relationship between the Supreme and the manifested world to that of a string holding numerous pearls. Lord Krishna asserts His all-encompassing presence and the interconnectedness of all things with the divine. This verse highlights the supreme nature of Lord Krishna and encourages individuals to recognize and surrender to His divine authority, seeking spiritual enlightenment and realization through devotion to Him. If you are interested in gaining more knowledge about Ketu and understanding its effects in your astrological chart, we are available for consultation. Feel free to reach out to us for personalized insights and guidance regarding Ketu’s influence in your life.

If you are Facing Challenges in Navigating Ketu Mahadasha Connect with Astrologer Ashish Somani

Saturn and Rahu Combination Effect in Astrology

Saturn and Rahu Combination with Astrologer in Ahmedabad

The conjunction of Saturn and Rahu in a birth chart creates a complex interplay of energies, blending the characteristics and effects of both celestial bodies in unique ways. Saturn, known as the taskmaster of the zodiac, represents discipline, hard work, and long-term goals. In contrast, Rahu symbolizes expansion, obsession, unconventional thinking, and a desire for worldly gains, often associated with illusion and unpredictability.

When these two planets come together, their conjunction can significantly influence an individual’s career or business path. Saturn’s slow and steady influence clashes with Rahu’s unpredictable and sometimes disruptive nature, creating challenges that may manifest as delayed results or sudden changes in professional circumstances. This blend can initially pose obstacles to establishing stability and consistent growth in one’s profession or business ventures.

Over time, however, as Saturn matures and stabilizes the influence of Rahu, this conjunction has the potential to yield positive outcomes. Individuals with this planetary combination often find themselves excelling in professions or businesses that involve unconventional fields such as photography, software development, cinema, foreign trade, or dealings in foreign lands. They may also thrive in industries related to tobacco, liquor, or other substances, often working in roles that require strategic thinking and innovative approaches.

However, it’s crucial to note that the Saturn-Rahu conjunction can also indicate tendencies towards obsession with work or business success. Individuals may find themselves overly focused on achieving their goals, sometimes at the expense of ethical boundaries. It’s essential for them to maintain a balanced approach and avoid succumbing to unethical practices or shortcuts in their professional endeavors.

The specific degrees of Saturn and Rahu in the birth chart play a pivotal role in determining the manifestation of this conjunction’s effects. A strongly placed Saturn with favorable degrees can provide stability and longevity in careers or businesses, fostering resilience against external challenges. Conversely, if Rahu holds greater influence through its degree placement, individuals may experience frequent shifts in professions or business ventures as they seek new opportunities and experiences.

The placement of Saturn and Rahu within specific zodiac signs (rashi) also significantly influences their impact. When this conjunction occurs in Saturn’s own sign, such as Capricorn or Aquarius, Saturn feels empowered and tends to mitigate Rahu’s disruptive tendencies, fostering more positive outcomes in career or business pursuits. However, when placed in signs where Saturn faces challenges or is considered debilitated, such as Aries or Leo, the conflicting energies may lead to more pronounced obstacles or setbacks.

Astrologically, navigating the effects of the Saturn-Rahu conjunction requires a nuanced understanding of each individual’s birth chart dynamics. Assessing how these planets interact with other astrological factors, such as the moon’s position or aspects from other planets, provides deeper insights into the specific challenges and opportunities this conjunction may present in one’s professional life.

In conclusion, while the Saturn-Rahu conjunction can present initial challenges and complexities in career or business endeavors, it also holds the potential for significant growth and success over time. Understanding and harnessing the combined energies of Saturn and Rahu can empower individuals to navigate their professional paths with resilience, strategic foresight, and ethical integrity.

If you’re interested in exploring more about how this conjunction influences your career or business prospects, feel free to reach out for a detailed astrological consultation with Astrologer in Ahmedabad

Saturn Ketu Combination Astrology Effect

Saturn Ketu Combination Astrology Effect with Jyotish in Ahmedabad

The Saturn-Ketu Conjunction: A Deep Dive into Its Astrological Significance

The conjunction of Saturn and Ketu holds profound astrological implications. Saturn, the natural significator of karma, represents discipline, hard work, and structure, while Ketu symbolizes detachment, spiritual awakening, and past-life influences. Together, this combination weaves a complex tapestry of karmic lessons, professional inclinations, and spiritual evolution.

Karmic Influence and Professional Inclinations

This conjunction often suggests a potential detachment from one’s conventional work or career path. However, when analyzed through a deeper karmic lens, it reveals that individuals may be drawn to professions rooted in spirituality, healing, or the occult. Careers such as religious or spiritual leaders, healers, Ayurvedic doctors, or practitioners of holistic medicine often align with this combination due to Ketu’s connection with roots and ancient wisdom.

Interestingly, if Mars is favorably positioned in the natal chart, this conjunction can steer individuals towards becoming skilled surgeons. The surgical profession requires precision and detachment—qualities embodied by the Saturn-Ketu combination.

Influence on Family Dynamics and Relationships

In Nadi Astrology, Saturn is regarded as the “big brother,” suggesting that individuals with this combination may not have an elder brother. If they do, there might be emotional distance or the elder sibling may face health challenges. Furthermore, Ketu’s connection with maternal grandparents implies that one’s karmic obligations may be intertwined with them, signaling responsibilities or unfinished karmic ties related to their welfare.

Spiritual Growth and Kundalini Awakening

Ketu is closely linked with the seat of Kundalini energy. Individuals influenced by this conjunction have a heightened potential for spiritual growth and are more likely to experience Kundalini awakening. This spiritual journey often becomes a pivotal part of their life’s purpose.

Professional Success and Restlessness

Symbolized by a flag, Ketu denotes success and achievements. Individuals with this conjunction possess the potential to excel in their careers and gain recognition for their accomplishments. However, due to Ketu’s influence, they may experience a sense of detachment or boredom with their current profession, prompting them to explore diverse fields and seek new challenges for personal fulfillment.

Health Implications

Saturn governs the legs, and when negatively influenced by Ketu, it may result in issues such as leg pain or persistent discomfort. Nevertheless, as Ketu matures, these health concerns often improve, reflecting the transformative nature of this planetary combination.

Subconscious Drive and Life Purpose

Ketu operates on a subconscious level, compelling individuals to engage in their destined karmic duties rather than merely pursuing personal desires. This influence guides them towards their true life purpose, aligning their actions with their inherent potential and spiritual path.

Attention to Detail and Specialized Professions

Ketu represents minute details, making individuals with this conjunction naturally inclined towards intricate work. If Mercury is also associated with Ketu, it can indicate a talent for detailed tasks such as painting, craftsmanship, or other forms of meticulous creative expression. Additionally, due to Ketu’s association with viruses, individuals may find themselves drawn to careers in virology or virus research, contributing significantly to advancements in this scientific field.

Astrological Variations Based on Chart Placement

The impact of the Saturn-Ketu conjunction varies depending on the zodiac sign (rashi) and house placement in the natal chart. The specific house reveals the life area most affected, while the sign influences how the conjunction’s characteristics are expressed. Thus, a comprehensive analysis of the entire birth chart is essential to fully understand the nuanced effects of this powerful conjunction.

In conclusion, the Saturn-Ketu combination is a transformative astrological aspect that influences an individual’s career, health, relationships, and spiritual journey. Its effects are deeply karmic, guiding individuals towards their true purpose and helping them navigate both worldly and spiritual realms with greater awareness

If you would like to obtain further information regarding Ketu and Saturn, you can reach out to Astrologer Ashish Somani at https://ashishsomani.com/appointment/ for a detailed consultation and discussion.

Vaastu Tips For Wrist Watch and Wallet

Vaastu Tips For Wrist Watch and Wallet with Vastu Consultant in Gujarat

In Vasstu Tips it is advisable not to keep your wristwatch along with your wallet containing money in a drawer. This is because the watch represents the Sun, while money represents Venus, and these two celestial bodies are believed to have an unfavorable relationship. As a result, it is believed that keeping them together may lead to financial loss, relationship issues, or even affect the health of one’s spouse.

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