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The Science of Vastu Shastra: A Guide to Planning Your Home

Vastu Shastra is the ancient Indian science of architecture and layout arrangement that emphasizes creating a balanced environment in accordance with the elements of nature. The Science of Vastu Shastra aims to improve the well-being of residents by ensuring a normal flow of energy in homes.

If you want to create a space that attracts prosperity, peace, and good health, consulting Ashish Somani, a famous astrologer in Ahmedabad, can help you better understand how these ancient principles can be applied to your home.


What is Vastu Shastra?

Vastu Shastra combines architecture, astronomy, and astrology. The name “Vastu” refers to a house or home, whereas Shastra refers to a body of knowledge or science. The Science of Vastu Shastra involves creating an atmosphere of balance through careful planning and design. 

Vastu principles focus on aligning buildings with the five natural elements earth, water, fire, air, and space along with the directions of the compass, ensuring that each element is properly represented in the home. This combination is said to increase positive energy and overall well-being.


Core Principles of the Science of Vastu Shastra

The goal of the Science of Vastu Shastra is to balance the five components, each of which stands for a distinct facet of existence. Among these components are:

  • Earth (Prithvi): Stability and security.
  • Water (Jal): Flow and energy.
  • Fire (Agni): Passion, transformation, and vitality.
  • Air (Vayu): Freshness, movement, and circulation.
  • Space (Akasha): Harmony, openness, and balance.

When these factors are correctly balanced in the house, it provides a caring and prosperous atmosphere.


Key Factors in Planning Your Home with Vastu Shastra

When applying the Science of Vastu Shastra to your home, consider these factors:


1. Site Selection and Orientation

Selecting a flat and even plot of land is essential. The Vastu Shastra advises that plots with a slight slope towards the north or east enhance positive energy. For best energy acceptance, the home should be built with the entrance facing north, northeast, or east.


2. Entrance and Main Door

The home’s entrance has a significant impact on energy flow. The Science of Vastu Shastra recommends that the main door be placed in the east, north, or northeast direction. A well-kept, clean entrance brings prosperity and happiness into the home.


3. Room Placement and Alignment

Each room in the house should be positioned based on its purpose and matching direction.


1. Living Room

Ideally located in the northeast corner to attract positive energy and improve relationships.


2. Kitchen

Ideally located in the southeast, according to the fire element.


3. Primary Bedroom

Located in the southwest corner for stability and restful sleep.


4. Bathrooms and Toilets

Should be in the northwest or southeast, but never in the center of the house.

Proper placement, as per the science of Vastu Shastra, ensures that any space works in harmony.


4. Lighting and Ventilation

Proper lighting and ventilation are essential to maintaining the free flow of energy in your home. Natural light should be encouraged, and windows should be positioned to allow light into each room. Cross ventilation is also important to avoid stagnant energy and promote a fresh, vibrant atmosphere.


5. Furniture and Decor

Vastu Shastra emphasizes the importance of furniture placement. Furniture should be arranged to allow for free movement of energy. To achieve balance, position heavy furniture in the southwest corner of the space and accent natural elements such as wood, stone, and metal.


6. Colors and Paints

Color choice has a tremendous impact on a room’s energy. The Science of Vastu Shastra recommends light, calming colors for living spaces, such as whites, creams, and pastels. It is recommended to use vibrant colors in the kitchen, such as red and orange, which symbolize fire, while calming green and blue colors are best suited for the bedroom.

Read Also- Vastu Tips for New Home From Best Astro Vastu Consultant


Benefits of Following the Science of Vastu Shastra


Implementing the Science of Vastu Shastra can bring many benefits to your life:


1. Improved health

Harmonizing the energy in your home can benefit both physical and emotional wellness.


2. Wealth and prosperity

Proper placement of rooms and elements can bring financial success and opportunities.


3. Better Relationships

A home that adheres to Feng Shui promotes peaceful relationships and harmony among family members.


4. Happiness and Success

Creating a positive, balanced environment can lead to greater overall happiness.


Final Thought

The Science of Vastu Shastra offers guidelines for designing homes that use natural components, thus creating a peaceful and beneficial living space. Following Vastu principles when building a new home or modifying an existing one can help you attract good fortune, health, and success. 

To better understand how these principles might be applied to your personal space, speak with Ashish Somani, a famous astrologer in Ahmedabad who can help you implement the ancient knowledge of Vastu Shastra into your home. 




Q.1 How to plan a house according to Vastu?

Ans. For favorable energy flow, ensure that rooms are properly oriented, with the kitchen facing southeast, the master bedroom facing southwest, and the living room facing northeast.


Q.2 Is Vastu Shastra scientifically proven?

Ans. Vastu Shastra is based on ancient concepts about harmonizing elements and directions. There is little scientific evidence to back up its claims, however certain principles are consistent with environmental psychology.


Q.3 Which side entrance is good as per Vastu?

Ans. The entrance should be located in the north or east for prosperity and positive energy. Avoid south and southwest entrances, as they can cause instability.


Q.4 Which direction is best to sleep?

Ans. According to Vastu, sleeping with your head to the south or east promotes greater sleep, health, and positive energy since it aligns with the Earth’s magnetic fields.


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